Have you had water dripping from you're ceiling or have seen a terrible brown stain on your ceiling or walls.
You may be wondering, what do those things mean?
Has your roof failed to hold back water from the rain or is there a leaking pipe causing all that damage.
In order to figure out the answers to these questions, you need to prepare yourself before hand. By being knowledgeable on whether your roof will have to be replaced or if an easy DIY repair job will work will make a huge difference. This is especially true in the rainy season.
We will now look at a quick guide on how you can determine the needs of your roof, how to deal with them and when it is best to hire a professional.
Look For Damage
It is highly recommended that you thoroughly check and examine your home's roof twice per year. The best time is during the fall and spring. This is because once you've discovered damage, you'll have sufficient time to fix the issue before it gets worse in the winter or during storms or summer. Once you pay attention, you'll be able to identify any issues.
Checking The Interior
You can start by checking out the interior of your roof and looking at the highest ceilings in your house. For example, this means inspecting your crawl space or attic. You'll need to use a flashlight and you'll probably get dirty, so keep that in mind. You should look for any areas that have water leakages as well as damage. Some of the things you should look for are:
- A roof deck that is sagging
- Discolored areas
- Areas where you can see light coming through
- Any moisture on your insulation, walls or the ceiling
Checking The Exterior
Once you have finished looking at the interior of the roof, you'll need to check your roof's exterior. So, be sure to start with the shingles and guttering and look for any signs that they are damaged. If your roof's shingles are particularly worn and they are balding, cracked or torn, then this shows that you may possibly need to replace your roof.
On the other hand, if you only notice a bit of loose material around your chimney, vents or pipes, then the odds are that they simply need some repair. However, if you fail to repair them then they will continue to get damaged over time. Be sure to walk on your roof to determine any areas that are soft and may have rot or even mold.( Be cautious and understand your limits)
Fix Small Issues
There are lots of small issues that you'll be able to deal with by yourself.
The damage on your roof may appear to be serious, however, there are many leaks that are only due to small holes or even a damaged or missing shingle.
Once you have figured out the issue, you can do the following.
Flashing Patch
Use aluminum flashing and roofing cement on the problematic area. When doing flashing, it should be 4 inches longer and 1 inch smaller than the hole or rip. Make sure that you use a flat pry bar in order to loose up the damaged tab as well as the other nearby tabs. Then, apply 3 dabs of roofing cement under the shingle. You should place the flashing underneath the tab and completely seal with the cement at the top. Make sure to apply pressure to the area as well.
Replacing Shingles
If you have a shingle that needs replacing, take off the damaged shingle, loosen and remove any roofing cement from that area by scraping it. Then, once you have a new shingle, replace it where the old shingle was positioned. Then, use galvanized roofing nails and hammer them into the corners of the shingle and use roofing cement to cover their heads.
Flashing Repair
Get rid of any old mortar or other type of debris from the joint. Then move the flashing clips in place using a screwdriver inside of the joint. Make sure to use lead sealant to seal the flashing.
Be Aware Of Your Limits
As you know, the roof of your home is extremely important and it is essential that you have the foresight to know when you can deal with the repairs on your own or when you need professionals.
By trying to do repairs on your own, you may think that it will save you money. However, if you try to do repairs that you're not fully capable of, then you'll just end up spending more money to fix your mistakes.
In order to repair a roof leak, it won't cost too much if it is done well. However, if the roof then fails in other areas around the patch then replacing the roof will become even more important.
It is very important to consider efficiency in addition to cost when determining what to do.
If the damage is only minor with only a couple of shingles affected, then it may best to repair the roof either yourself or by hiring a handymen that are suitably skilled.
With that said, if your roof is in bad shape, then you should hire a professional roofer to replace it.