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Hail Damage and Your Roof

Dustin Bishop • November 30, 2021

Hail Damage and Your Roof

Hailstorm is known to cause a lot of roof damage, especially to older or hardly maintained roofs. They are known to cause cracks and bruises on roofing shingles and potentially causing water damages. The truth is that there is no way to avoid roof damage from a hailstorm, but there is a way to minimize its effects.  

The only way to minimize hailstorm damage is through regular roof maintenance, detecting problems and fixing problems early, and taking precautionary steps like having your roof inspected regularly. Therefore, how do you go about the whole ordeal or task; that is the million-dollar question. Well, to know what you can do and ways to help protect your roof, consider the following.

How Do I Know If My Roof Has Been Damaged By Hail?

To know this, it is wise to always conduct roof inspections immediately after a hailstorm. Remember, hail falls randomly (it falls in a random pattern), and for this reason, it may damage some roofs within your block. As such, your roof may be among them, even if your next-door neighbor's roof has not been damaged. 

While conducting roof inspections you should always look for the following: - 

• Dents in cars
• Leaves stripped plants
• Proof of damages to the exterior furnishings
• Damages to the outdoor air conditioning unit

Get Roof Inspection For Hail Damages

The truth is that it may be difficult for you to spot some roof damages from the ground. For this reason, it will require someone to get close to the surface as possible. This is where a professional roof inspection came into play. You have to schedule an inspection with a professional contractor that you trust. The contractor will perform this task for you safely and thoroughly. 

The good news is that a majority of roofing contractors offer free inspection and estimates. If you wish to inspect the roof yourself, please follow all safety and appropriate guidelines. 

Surface Hail Damage

Surface damage is often the most common type of damage a roof will sustain. As such, if you have used Asphalt shingles on your roof, you may notice the following damage signs: -

• Bruises
• Rounded black areas
• Small divots
• Loss of protective granules (which collect in the gutter or downspouts)

Although a majority of the damages are going to be surface-based, not all of them can be seen. This means that they can be internal, and it is mainly caused by the impact of a hailstone. For this reason, it is wise to always seek the services of a professional to assist you with roof damage inspection. Remember, a professional contractor has all the needed tools and equipment, which means that they can easily lift up and examine your roof up-close and even re-seal shingles if needed. Furthermore, you will be able to access other roofing parts like the roof vent, flashing, chimney cap, gutters, and others. 

Also, before repairs or for roof repairs to be effective, one must ascertain the nature of damage they have. Let’s not forget that it may include insurance claim and warranty. A professional contractor should be in a position to differentiate the different hail damages from other types of roof damages like: -

• Worn-out shingles
• Debris and wind defacement
• Scuffling damage
• Cracking and blistering damages caused by UV rays 

The moment damage or damages is found, the contractor will offer the best solution based on the damage and an estimate. After this, the contractor will advise on what to do next to have your roof repaired or replaced. 

Is It Compulsory To Fix A Roof Damaged Caused By Hailstone?

The moment the roof is damaged by hailstones, it can be a challenge to know if the damage is cosmetic or extensive. If hail-related damage causes water to pass through to the roofing supportive structures, the roof’s performance will decrease. If the problem is allowed to sit for long, it will cause serious water damages. 

For this reason, it wise to repair any damaged roof part to avoid the escalation of the issue and creating other issues as well. The granules on the asphalt shingles help protect it against UV rays from the sun. As such, it does not matter if the problem is aesthetics, a shingle that has lost its granule has a higher chance of failing permanently. 

Is Roof Damaged By Hail Covered In An Insurance Policy?

A majority of property or home insurance will cover hail damage. However, it is wise to never assume; always sturdy your homeowner’s policy, especially if you live in areas prone to hailstorms. The most common terms associated with hail related insurance policies include: -

• The homeowner has only 1 year to file a claim
• Filing a claim may affect your premium rate to increase
• Most of the policies require deductible payments before they pay
• A homeowner may have percentage-based deductibles in some states (especially those states with high frequencies of hailstorm claims)
• Cosmetic based hail damage may not be covered 
• Contact a professional insurance agent to know more about your policy

Tips For Handling Hail Damage Claims

Start by getting references, reading reviews, and comparing estimates provided before choosing a contractor. Do not forget to verify the certificate of insurance and all necessary licenses.

Inform the insurance company immediately so that you can open a claim. The good news is that some insurance companies have online and mobile tools that have made it easy to file a claim. Although this makes work easy, do not forget to call. 

If both parties (the contractor and insurance company) agree to work together, ensure that you have understood the details and what part you have to play

Can You Prevent Roof Hail Damage?

As you know, anything found or placed on the exterior part of your home is at risk of getting hailstone damage. This covers everything from a vehicle, patio, landscaping, furniture, plants, and others. Because you cannot uninstall your roof and store it inside while you wait for a hailstorm to subside, you may want to install roofing materials that are designed to withstand greater levels of impact, like the Class 4 impact resistant shingles. 

This is highly recommended, especially for those who live in areas prone to hailstorms. Doing this will help reduce or prevent a large amount of roof damage after a hailstorm or other debris. Furthermore, installing Class 4 shingles on your property may qualify you to get a homeowner’s insurance discount. Speak to your insurance provider today to know more.
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